I've been thinking.
I've been processing.
I've been yearning.
I've been attempting to learn.
I quit my job at American Eagle. I have moved on and glad of it... that place was beginning to wear me down. However, I miss seeing many of those wonderful people. I walked in on Boxing Day and was just so pleased to not have to fold clothing and sell product and work for 13 hours with a 15 minute break. I got to relax and chill!
My desire is to see the world change into something beautiful. Something filled with love and grace and compassion. Something not seen in a long time.
Recently, I've had frustrations... church frustrations. Should I be mentioning it? Probably not, but oh well! Why is it that church is so two-faced? At least most of them. Why are people so conniving? We want people to come in to our building and into our atmosphere when we are all so selfish about every little detail. Everyone needs to look good and needs to seem like they are great. This is what I get out church. A very conceded characteristic. How do we change this? How do we learn to move away from this?
I know church in a building tends to be run like a business. These business take on so many things that are wrong and incorrect of our view. We've brought in lists of rituals, decrees for proper behaviour and standards for appropriate clothing. We've become a "community" of people so concerned about the check-marks on the paper than how we act because we want to.
My plan... My idea... My desire... is to bring this mentality to an end. I'll start here and move forward, hopefully. Let's pray! Let's learn! Let's spend time growing in love! Let's start... NOW!