Sunday, November 13, 2005

Stats With Nats!!!

Firstly I've started to do this animal of the week... check it out... lots of interesting facts...I love randomosity don't you? I figured that since I am planning on being a veterinarian I should do something to let other people gain some knowledge on them as well... so yeh!!!! Secondly....

...So I'm sitting here and reading my statistics textbook and then I realized that I haven't blogged in a while and that this is a good way of more pracrastination on my part. So here it is, this past week has been a crazy one. Studied for 2 midterms and studying for my last one now. Finally I was able to go and do something social... I talked to people who I haven't seen in about a month because I've cooped myself up in a little bubble of me, my books, and my library... my space! It was interesting... this one friend of mine... said that he saw me like a whole bunch of times on campus this past month. I asked him why he never said hi and he said that I would stare right at him and then would just pass him... Really wierd. I didn't realize that I was so out of it. I've made school become so serious that the fun factor of seeing people and talking to them is probably the least priority on my list... Odd because it used to be my first. After tomorrow... I'm gonna start relaxing a little... study a lot, but take the time to talk to people again... get to know them instead of being in far away world... where no one matters except moi. Okay now I need to start finishing my readings... I've been slacking way too much and I don't know how I'm going to finish all of this studying tonight... *yanks on collar*... L8s

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