Saturday, February 10, 2007

My Pick of Pics

He's a photographer by the name of Stoffel De Roover. He was experimenting with smoke and how freely it moves. I love these shots... that are just so WOWing.

This one is called "Smoke Creature - Black".

This is titled "Smoke-induced Hallucination"

Those are just two of the few I have seen.... WOW... I think they are incredible I want to be able to get a sharp shot like that one day of smoke... but we'll just have to wait and see!
L8s, latex and all that love stuff


Meg Uttangi Matsos said...

If you want to see some awesome pics...check out our India blog! I'm going to post the best pic of all tomorrow - this cow stuck his head in between the barbed wire fence into our front patio and started eating our potted plants.

Liz said...

Very cool pics, Nate. :o)

Lumendipity Photography said...

Hi Nate.. glad you like them!
if you want to blog some more pictures, please link them back to my website ( or to my flickr account (
