Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Stupid Mouth...

So in three words I can talk about my day and majority of the conversations... "My Stupid Mouth". As great as the John Mayer song is and as pertinent to my life as it is... I just realize more and more that I will always say stupid things. I don't think about what I say sometimes and don't realize how rude it may come across.

As the saying goes... "actions speak louder than words", but for me the words are all I have. A mental note to remind... I need to shut up sometimes! I have the ability to talk and talk and talk and talk. And today it was brought to my attention that I don't know when to stop. It's a bad habit. I think it's because I like saying things before I here them from other people's mouth. I like to say things jokingly, but seldom there is a little stink inserted with it.

My actions have been lacking. All I do is complain, fight, or just get quiet... at least that's what I notice the most. As helpful as all those things are to get out my frustrations it isn't at the same time. It almost gets VERY unhealthy, specifically pour moi, I need to let things go. I need to be able to stop being stupid and rude. I need to think:

A mouth is used for talking and for communicating
And yet there is so much segregating going on in this world
that the world is no longer a unity of trust and love
but a way of deception, lies, and anger
I hate how we talk and talk about other things
but our own thoughts and feelings never come up
We hold it all back and revise the information we have gathered
Either holding it to someone's head or holding it up behind their back

It's a painful way to love, never feeling like someone actually loves you
Always thinking your back is the place where a murder will take place
You and I have a place in this world to lift I and you up
encouragement is the key, but our hate for eachother is the winner
We love to hate and hate to love, but love is the end product
Love we want, but love we feel we can't afford, so hate is what we do
Hate to have you and hate to be hated, but figure it's a happy medium

Why do we hurt? Why is my mouth so big
My mouth doesn't stop... it's unstable
Spewing words that don't make sense...
Always saying things it doesn't mean

I'm sorry to the world for the hurt it brings
I'll try to stop, but can't guaruntee it
A message should be sent when we are born
never learn to use because it will cause harm to the user
I propose as a quick end to this "poetic" rant of thoughts
That linger in the brain of the typical cynic
That is afraid of so much in this world, but fears to show that he is
My end comes to this... no longer will my mouth be open
to throw up words of useless garbage and create them
create the melodramas in my head which are built up from over thinking

HA... over thinking... you would think I don't think
but over thinking can be the reason to the means of the reason why
this sh*t happens to me with a clean slate, no marks on the board,
But screwed up once again... Yupp I've screwed up once again!

1 comment:

tara said...

You're not alone Nathan. I think we all could take your thoughts to heart :)