Like the wind, sometimes its dead and sometimes its strong
But no matter what in the end I feel like I'm wrong
I feel better one day and fix all the glitches
Not even 20 hours go by and life's back at being a ***** as
I can't control any of these things no more than a day
Of happiness will ever ever come my way
It's hard to realize that I still need faith and trust
And that it is all part of this life I live in disgust
My ups and downs go round and round
Hoping I'll be okay and just found
Found by you so these struggles I face will end
So my reason for caring for others I no longer must defend
It's a stupid situation and I want it over and done with
Tied up by rope and stuck in one place, I just writhe
Move so I can get free and break loose of this ache
Somehow fix all the problems that I will never mistake
Again for I know that to love everyone and make them truly happy
Is a most difficult task and the pain that comes with it is just plain crappy
It totally stresses me out and makes me ineffective
Just like trying to care and being overly protective
It erks my heart to see so many people hurt
But I know God is there somewhere for everyone inert
Hopefully this heartache will leave me be
And I can go back to truly loving everyone again, believe you me
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