June 24th today, and it was filled with backups or as I liked to call them "Back that thang ups." I had to go around everywhere and do backups on everyone's computers. It was SO MUCH fun. I enjoyed myself thoroughly... and yes I AM lying to you. It was an okay day here in the OMF office. I did some work, drew a few pictures and then I went crossword puzzle crazy.

I found out that one of Michaelangelo's masterworks is the Pieta. Here is some information on it: "Michelangelo approached a subject which until then had been given form mostly north of the Alps, where the portrayal of pain had always been connected with the idea of redemption: It was called the 'Vesperbild' and represented the seated Madonna holding Christ's body in her arms. But now the twenty-three year-old artist presents us with an image of the Madonna with Christ's body never attempted before. Her face is youthful, yet beyond time; her head leans only slightly over the lifeless body of her son lying in her lap. 'The body of the dead Christ exhibits the very perfection of research in every muscle, vein, and nerve. No corpse could more completely resemble the dead than does this. There is a most exquisite expression in the countenance. The veins and pulses, moreover, are indicated with so much exactitude, that one cannot but marvel how the hand of the artist should in a short time have produced such a divine work.' "
This blog I guess you could say is my first real blog, but meh whatever. Have a good one!
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