A bunch of my friends and I went to Rude Native before heading to College Royal. It was amazing. I personally think it is nicer than the one in

After dinner at Rude Native, we all headed off to campus for our night at College Royal. I must say now that it was a "Fantabulous" (Byron's Wordage) night. We got there 30 minutes after the doors opened and it was dea

So continuing on... we went downstairs and got in. Within like two minutes though, Alex, Ryan and I decided to go put our jackets up stairs as well, because it was getting really hot and there was hardly anyone there on the dancefloor. So we went up once and the door was locked, so we came back down. They got Meredith to come upstairs and open the Club's Office with the old card sliding technique to unlock the office. Once in, we put our stuff on the couches and then left for more dancing fun. A live band came and played some covers of songs, I knew the words to some of them which was exciting because recently have started to love country music. Anyways, so after that was done we left and went upstairs to Jazz Lounge.
In the Jazz Lounge we all saw Byron. It's been a long time since I've seen that guy or even talked to him for that matter. So yeh it was nice to catch up. His girlfriend, Kara, was there and it was nice talking to her again... she's a funny lady she is. I don't have a picture of them, but here is a photo of Heather and Lauren, with my on the side talking to them and Alex and his water in behind Heather and Lauren. The jazz lounge was a little bit more Bluesy Jazz than my kind of jazz and the lady was playing an electric clarinet, which I did not like and neither did Jill. The lady's voice was really good though. We left the Jazz Lounge.
After that we went to the Swing Room, which wasn't as great as I was hoping for it. Jill and Meredith are great swing dancers. I tried to remember those swing steps that my sister taught me from way back, when the Swing Kids VHS was still around, but I couldn't compare to the skills of the Brown sisters. Applause to you, Jill and Mere. I was having a great night so far and just having a blast meeting friends and just getting to know everyone else even more so. So Lauren and I were sick of Swing and so we left with Mychal-Ann to go see Alex, Turnbull (real name Andrew), Kat and Heather in the keg (Brass Taps). We got in
and Alex was waiting at the door. He saw from the dancefloor. They were in the middle of it and we just started crunkin'... well not really crunkin', but dancin' never the less... I just like that word CRUNK. We stayed there for the rest of the night and just had a blast. When we were all tired of the dancing, we left and met up with everyone on the main floor of the UC. We grabbed all of our stuff from the office and then we all decided to head over to Alex's place for some after party fun.
We went to Wendy's/McDonald's to get food and then met up at his place. Around 2 a bunch of people left, but Mere, Jill, Lauren, Mychal-Ann, Heather, Kat and I stayed back and just chilled for a little while longer. The photo is of me, Kat and Alex being psychotically tired from the day. Alex I think was describing about the pool table that him and Tom brought to Guelph, earlier that day, but I am too tired to remember. Or maybe he was playing the dru
ms and I was head banging like I'm the whitest guy I know.... Oh kat so jokes. We left Alex's house and I went to bed.
The fact that all of us were shocked about was that we were going to see each one of us again in like 6 hours at church, which we all made it to, except Mychal-Ann... lol! After church though I was going to go home and study, but I missed the 3 buses at the same time. So I walked back to the church and met up with the peeps again. We headed to Tom's place to see the pool table. The apparent 15 minute set-up as Alex put it. Got to Tom's around 1:20 pm ish.... and started setting it up. By the time we finished the set up of it and played a game (Tom and I beat Alex and Kat... it was all Tom though!!) it was 4:00 or so.
I had to rush and catch the bus so I didn't miss it again, which I caught just in the knick of time. I got downtown and this homeless man wanted some change. Luckily I had some and didn't spend it on a coffee at Timmies. I took him to Timmies and bought him a large double double coffee and then gave him the extra change. I really felt good about it after and felt like there was a reason as to why I things happened as they did during the day. The crazy thing is that the night before on my way to Rude Native. The same man had stopped me and asked for money and I said I had none, but I did have a dollar. I felt really bad about it and it crushed my spirits for the moment and almost forgot about it until I saw that man again. I wasn't going to let another opportunity pass me by again. So I took it. It felt great and it got me pumped for the rest of my evening.
So that was my story about College Royal and how one thing led to the next, but in the end the first incident that occurred came again in the end so that I could have another chance to make the right choice. A great weekend and I want another one almost like it soon. Maybe that will be our CCC formal night... good times for sure I can feel it. OKay goodnight.
L8s, latex, and all that love stuff... Coconut
Well, as good as I am with computers :P, I finally figured out how to leave you a comment! And judging by this entry, I see you chose to attend College Royal with your peeps instead of studying for a middy...tisk tisk tisk, lol...I'm sure the parental units would not be too pleased lol....Anywho, it sure sounds like you had fun! Good times...However, it would have been nice to see a picture of you "crunkin'" on the dance floor lol...Adios Amigo...
Sounds like you had an awesome time. See...you totally need to balance your work with your play. It makes for more well-rounded life experiences.
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