This weekend has been one of my second most memorable weekends of my stay here in Guelph. The first one was last weekend at College Royal, which if you haven't read you can underneath this blog! Anyways, this weekend... to begin it all started on Tuesday or so, when my parents called to tell me that they were going to Detroit for the weekend and wanted to know if I wanted to go with them. Obviously, I didn't want to, as well as the fact that I had College Royal stuff to do. So being the person I am, I asked if I could have the car for the weekend. I have asked this question many times before, but never has the reply been okay. It wasn't an instantaneous response, but one that took time to come around to, which worked out great for me.
Thursday was a downtime day for me. I was analyzing why I wasn't as outgoing as I used to be and then all of a sudden everything started clicking and making sense in my head. I always thought about why, but never actually took the time to think it through and realize where things really changed for me. So I told myself that I'm not going to let my slight inferiority complex get the best of me and to tell myself that I am valuable and not worthless and that I don't have to be quiet all the time. I can have my own opinions and my own thoughts and still be really good friends with people. As well, I learned that I had nothing to be afraid of with the people that I like to hang out with because they are great people and great children of God, that I know I can be who I am. So I got up Friday and was exhilarated. I had forgotten about what I wrote late at night and I started off the day with a huge smile on my face. From there my hyper activity started.
The estimated date and time for my car's arrival was Friday, March 17, 2006 between the hours of 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm. It was shocking to me because my parents actually pulled through on that. If you know my parents you would know that they are v

After we all had dinner and I took pictures of people at our table... and the green beer, I shoved 9 people in my car... well actually 9 people shoved in my car, I did not do the shoving. We all drove to Nicole's house, oddly enough a lot of us didn't really know who she was, but that was okay. As soon as we got there, Tom, Jill, and I left to go get

By the time we got back everyone was playing a drawing game and talking about who knows what. So we all just ended up talking. Jill was randomly telling Graydon that if you lie on your back on the floor and put your legs on the wall and stretch them and just lie there it will help relax your back and release tension from it. Then some girls did this crazy trick where they couldn't lift a guy up, but after some hand over hand action over the top of the guy's head they were able to lift him up. It was quite crazy. I drove people home after we left and then Kat and I went on a drive. I just haven't been on a drive for a while. No place to go, no specific direction, just music playing and a good one on one with someone. So for about 2-3 hrs we went driving. Talked about just

I felt as if Saturday was going to be a long day of things to do, but it really wasn't. I started out getting up at 8 in the morning to do some studying and reading. At around 10ish I took my shower and got ready to play Hockey with the guys. This was my first time playing hockey in years and by years I do mean years like junior high was probably the last time I have played hockey, so I was a little nervous because I knew that a lot of these guys were really intense about hockey and didn't know if I would have been able to get up to their level. As well, I didn't know if they were really serious hockey players. For example, if I screwed up a pass would they get frustrated with me? And stuff like that.
I think I did pretty well. I didn't do much at first, but as soon as I kind of felt a little comfortable I actually did some stuff. I got one goal, which just trickled in by sheer luck. I was constantly covering Graydon and trying to get the ball from him, which was fun because it was a physical challenge for me. Graydon is a kicker for the Guelph Gryphons football team... or maybe he isn't anymore I don't know, but nevertheless. He is, was, and always will be a football player which means that he's pretty built... so if you could only imagine me trying to attack him... it was hard and fun! I know he got frustrated with me, but he kept on saying good job after I'd take the ball away from him and pass to or attempt to pass it to a team-mate. It was a great game, but my team lost by won goal, which was alright we still did well.
I got back home and Mikey and I went to the grocery store because he had to pick some stuff up for this party he was going to. After that I came home and chilled.... my afternoon was actually quite boring and I was getting really sick of just sitting around doing nothing. Around 6 or 7, I drove Bryan, Mike and Mike's girlfriend, Annelies (who arrived for the weekend after we got back from groceries), to Campus. I came back home and was like "umm.... what's there to do?" So I talked to my friend Vanessa and said I was going to her place. We chilled and then Kat called me telling me that Alex wasn't feeling to well, so we weren't going to go to e-bar. I was really pumped about it, but I guess whatever happens, happens.
Then three minutes later, Lauren gives me a call and we ended up talking for a while and I ended up picking her up at her house and we went on this drive to Maryhill, ON. It's this small, small, small, tiny town that's main intersection is an all-way stop. Lauren showed me a few places on our way to the twon, like her schools. I saw her workplace and yeh. I showed her my place I'm staying at now and where I will be moving to in the summer. Her and I had a pretty fun night, well at least I did. Lauren you made that evening great... I loved the park and we have to go steal a sign. Oh right yeh... we went driving around many places and we were trying to find a sign that we could steal, but Lauren was too chicken to do and I couldn't have because i was the getaway driver, so yeh... good times! Drove her home and I went home as well and slept!
The next day I picked Lauren up from her church and brought her to Priory Park. She said that she and Kat were going to the gym, so yeh. After church, I went home and then went to the library. It was great, very productive I must say. Came home and went to bed. Monday was school and as usual I missed my first class, Genetics. I took my car and Mikey came with me. We parked it and I went to class I drove home and then went back to school for my last chemistry lab. I was done so early I was so happy! I drove home, packed and drove back to Brampton because my weekend with the car was finished.
When I got to Brampton, Dad took me to get running shoes and now I have a sweet pair of shoes that I find it hard to wear because they are so white and I don't like white shoes that much. Anyways, on the ride back home/Guelph. Mom, dad and I had a good chat about school, jobs, and vet school. I told them that I was still going for Vet school and that was my goal to be achieved, but lately I haven't really felt that. It's as if God is telling me that it's not what He wants for me, but I'm just going with the flow right now. I want to finish this semester off in good standings and then get through the summer. I'm taking 4 Arts courses during the summer. They are 4 different types of arts courses (theatre studies, music, history, and english). I did that just because I want to see if I can excel at any of those better than the sciences. It is going to be great!
Today was a great day as well, but that I'll save for another time because this is getting too long! Okay l8s, latex, and all that love stuff!
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