Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Home to clean and study

So I've finally arrived home and man it was a great day! So here's a list of things that happened after my class post (in no specific order):
- played Bob's Dogs' geet with Kat and serenaded a few
- went for a run
- my new nickname for Alex is A&W
- got to talk to this guy named Jessie... I met him yesterday! he's deep
- the day got even nicer
- gave my rent cheque to David Wilcox and talked to him for a while... he's a cool guy
- I sat on the stairs
- I went up to the clubs office by myself (it was a first)
- I went to Taps and "studied"/"read"/ate with HeatheR, A&W and SykoKat
- I am at home and getting ready to clean my room and the Kitchen... possibly the family room and the bathroom but we'll see.
- I'm going to go visit Lauren @ work... possibly! not sure sure yet

So yes that was the rest of my day. I wish I didn't have schoolwork and that I could just get to spend time with these people all day long. It'd be so nice right now! But anyways, it's almost 7 and I really should start the cleaning process of this place because it really needs it... so "so long farewell adieu to yeu and yeu and yeu"

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