Wednesday, March 29, 2006


okay so I don't know if any of you have heard of the game MASH the one that we played in gr. 3??? well my friend Alex has never heard of it until now! Mychal-Ann brought it up during our food time at the Taps. So we taught it to him. Each of us did a round and I figured I'd tell you the results. Oh man good times!

first was ALEX:
- lives in a mansion
- married to M-A
- has 12 kids
- his career is a drummer

then was ME (NATE):
- lives in a shack
- married to Condoleeza Rice
- has 2 kids
- his career is residence janitor

then was Mychal-Ann:
- lives in a mansion
- married to Jon Yao
- has 16 kids
- her career is Bocce ball champion

lastly was HeatheR:
- lives in a shack
- married to the tom
- has 4 kids
- her career is a recovering alcoholic

That's it! oh and I saw Lauren at Ultra when I picked up some Cinnamon Rolls and bread. I got samples of gelato and then got the pick enormous one of gelato Raspberry and Irish Cream. Mmmm... GELATO, I love you much! That's all I got because I've post 3 times now in one day, but I don't care!

L8s, latex and all that love stuff

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