Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Okay, so firstly I have this weird issue where I hate typing more than one post a day, but I guess today is going to change all of that! So here it goes.... I just had to mention that I have been hearing Jason Mraz's songs everywhere lately. Like I was walking through the mall and I heard his song "Curbside Prophet"! Today on tv I heard another of his singles. Yesterday I heard his single at the pub I went to. Anyways, I'm really excited for this apparent up and coming. I just bought his fourth album a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to let go of it yet. It's just so awesome with his wordplay and those chords that just seem to work. It's very different from what so much of the mainstream steam that I hear a lot of. It's pretty folkish/country, but oddly with a slight pop/mainstream sound mixed in with it. The way he just takes a certain set of chords and creates it into a song using lyrics and intonation of words just makes me wanting to listen to him more. I don't know all the technical terms for what I'm trying to say, but all I know is there is something that I just really admire and like about this dude... so yes... if you want I'll send some stuff, if not... oh well too bad so sad. If you ever get a chance his three major hits were "curbside prophet," "the remedy," and "wordplay!" But for a spin on things listen to his song "On Love, In Sadness" both live and studio versions because *kisses fingers like the Italian-Stallions* Perfecto! Okay I think that's it for today... L8s, latex and all that love stuff

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