Friday, March 31, 2006
Cerebration Through Perturbation
Yesterday was when my highest of highs finally came crashing down. For about the past month I have been having the best time of my life doing stuff with people I like to hang around with. But yesterday oh man yesterday. Where do I begin? Such a nice day outside. I got to talk with a bunch of people and got to know a little bit more about them. I find it stupid on my part that I didn't begin this stretch of my life. I didn't get involved eventhough I wanted to. Now that I'm getting to know some of these people, they are graduating and the chances of me actually talking to them again are very slim to none, but that is okay right? I don't know... I just wish sometimes that I could have been a little bit more outgoing in the past so that parts of my life wouldn't have felt so useless to me. God has a plan I know, but I want to know why he can't just tell me what it is. Anyways, Lauren and I went to this Award Ceremony because Kat had a 3/7 chance of winning either $1000, $1500, or $2000. Sad to say that she didn't win, but we had a really good time. She was working the floor with the Nealanders International Inc. crowd... so jokes!
After we went to Mere's Art Show... very cool I was impressed with it and the ideas of it all. Pompoms, scrapbooking material. architectural design on the ground and yet concepts and the thinking behind it is so obvious once the ideas are explained. I found myself staring and taking all of it in. I was understanding it and at the same time was coming up with ideas in my own mind. I like it. The more I am doing other things and experiencing other aspects of life, the more I am starting to take in that science is just something I'm good at, but may not want to pursue for my future. I don't' know. So after, Alex, Kat, Lauren, Tom, Matt, Isaac, Jill, Mere, the Brown Parents and I went to Squirrels for a little bit of a hanging out, chillaxing time.
As we were talking, moreso everyone else. I was uncomfortable for some reason. After the dinner was over. Two things shocked me... 1. Mr. Brown paid for all of us and that was really awesome to see how people are willing to share what they have (Alex had mentioned something about it before at the Art Show, but I can't remember what the phrase was)! 2. How different her parents are compared to mine. As I was listening to the conversation, I couldn't understand why I felt wierd, until I realized that my parents would never talk about that kind of stuff and part of it was just being totally real. I know my parents tell the truth with a slight twist where it isn't really but it is... contradiction I know, but still! Anyways...
After we left Squirrels, I took the bus home. The only sad thing is that the bus didn't take me home at about 1 am the bus driver stopped and said this was the end of the ride. I was further from my destination and it frustrated me, but never the less I hiked on home. My feet frozen in the cold overnight weather and slowly freezing the rest of my body. I just got home and am not feeling typing more! Ugh... I don't want to go to FOP tomorrow, but never the less I will and will want to leave as soon as possible... badnight and l8s
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
first was ALEX:
- lives in a mansion
- married to M-A
- has 12 kids
- his career is a drummer
then was ME (NATE):
- lives in a shack
- married to Condoleeza Rice
- has 2 kids
- his career is residence janitor
then was Mychal-Ann:
- lives in a mansion
- married to Jon Yao
- has 16 kids
- her career is Bocce ball champion
lastly was HeatheR:
- lives in a shack
- married to the tom
- has 4 kids
- her career is a recovering alcoholic
That's it! oh and I saw Lauren at Ultra when I picked up some Cinnamon Rolls and bread. I got samples of gelato and then got the pick enormous one of gelato Raspberry and Irish Cream. Mmmm... GELATO, I love you much! That's all I got because I've post 3 times now in one day, but I don't care!
L8s, latex and all that love stuff
Home to clean and study
- played Bob's Dogs' geet with Kat and serenaded a few
- went for a run
- my new nickname for Alex is A&W
- got to talk to this guy named Jessie... I met him yesterday! he's deep
- the day got even nicer
- gave my rent cheque to David Wilcox and talked to him for a while... he's a cool guy
- I sat on the stairs
- I went up to the clubs office by myself (it was a first)
- I went to Taps and "studied"/"read"/ate with HeatheR, A&W and SykoKat
- I am at home and getting ready to clean my room and the Kitchen... possibly the family room and the bathroom but we'll see.
- I'm going to go visit Lauren @ work... possibly! not sure sure yet
So yes that was the rest of my day. I wish I didn't have schoolwork and that I could just get to spend time with these people all day long. It'd be so nice right now! But anyways, it's almost 7 and I really should start the cleaning process of this place because it really needs it... so "so long farewell adieu to yeu and yeu and yeu"
Before this Alex, Silas and I were playing an MSN Messenger game. we were all added to one convo and the first one who laughed would lose! Alex left and I remained stone faced. Silas laughed and lost at his own game creation! HA! Jill was crocheting a camera pouch for her camera... and now it is done. It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.
The day is so amazing and is a nice time to spend outside and just be with people... fellowship if you will. That's what it is all about. and I love it! God is amazing and everything He has created just amazes me, everyday, but especially on days like these. People in shorts and happy and more inviting. People like me who are just psychotic because it is so nice and thankful that it is a great day. Not wanting to waste a single moment of it! i think I may go for a run... that is if I get sick of studying really quickly!
Right now we are discussing about the underdevelopment of the female reproductive tract in double muscled cows (DMC). It is hard for a normal cow to give birth to a double muscled calf. If a DMC tries to give birth to a DM calf it would be impossible because of the underdevelopment of the reproductive tract. it's 1 pm and wow... he isn't going as fast as possible! so yeh. I don't know what to say.. sorry kat I'm going to be late, but as you read this, the time must have already past and you might still be chilling so yeh.. Idon't know what to say except see ya later my peeps! have a great day, spend it outside, whether you are studying, playing games watching tv... just spend some time outside and enjoy the fresh spring air and the fresh spring sun!
L8s, latex, and all that love stuff!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The UC
This semester, as I probably have already mentiond many many times before, was when I really gave it up to God. I started immersing myself with christians and stopped being afraid of getting to know them, but took the time to know them and in turn they also wanted to get to know me. Here is what I learned.... if you keep thinking that the other person should put forth the effort to get you involved, you are sadly mistaken. How many times must a person invite you to events and try to get you to come and have you back out last minute because of the fear of what others may think, of the uncomfortableness you may feel when you don't know anyone. We must try to get out of the comfy zone and make our way to where it is not normal for us because that is where we start pushing ourselves. I am striving to be that better person, but the more I make itmy job to the better person and less God's, I realize I fail! As soon as I put it all on God for him to work wonders through me and let him be seen through me so that others may know His name and how awesome He is, that's when I succeed.
It's an incredible feeling and I never want to let it go more and more each day. I hit myself sometimes because I of my stupidity to move on forward and to not worry what others think, but to be happy in who we are. (I feel like my blogs try to tell one story, but end up bringing up a lot of topics and issues that are somewhat related. I go on tangents and I am sorry, but you probably know what it's like... ADDville here I come!)
As I sit here, at the stairs, by myself after everyone has left to do there prospective things. I find myself always thinking... reminiscing. Not wanting to go by a moment and forget about it because each moment is special and each moment is a moment in time that changes us in one way or another. I don't know what I'm saying anymore, so I'm gonna go and try to put this brain power or lack there of to the good use of studying... countdown Finals in 14 days... YIKES!!!!
L8s, latex, and and all that love stuff
*oh and if you ever wanna look at a bunch of photos that I've taken or others have taken with my camera, just go here and have a look! there ya goes!
Monday, March 27, 2006
8 in the Loo
So I briefly talked to Alex and Mere about blogging about this past weekend because I was definitely contemplating whether or not. A huge part of me wants to remember this weekend because it was so great and memorable. But at the same time this tiny part of me just wants to forget majority of it because it involved me getting to know these people much more than I was comfortable with at the moment. So I have decided to just discuss the good times and forget about this frustration I felt during parts of the night! No point in lingering about the frustrations of the past when you have the rest of your life to be positive. Okay so let me set the scenario for you:
All the clouds had darkened up the skyway, waiting for a rainbow to be found. Saturday March 25, 2006 was the date a group of seven planned to visit a friend in Waterloo. Two cars were taken with the destination and itinerary already planned out. It was a day of excitement, trials, confusion, and content at the end of it all. So this is where my journey begins...
Getting to Alex's
Saturday morning came about and I was supposed to study for the midterm I had today, but as we all know when it comes down to studying we don't always come through with our scheduled plans - well the majority of us.
To those of you who love to study, I envy you and your dedication to schoolwork. |
yes other people's
blogs. As well as,
talking to people,
which was great!
I am proud to say that I am capable of doing all of that without even getting out of my bed. It was superb! Alex was going to call me as soon as he was done his Macroeconomics middy, so while I was talking with Kat on the landline, Alex called me on my celly and told me that he was out and heading home. At that point I was about to freak out because I had less than 20 minutes to have my shower, get ready and get to the bus stop - 7 minutes away. So I hung up on Kat and jetted. I JUST made the bus and was panting (not like a dog though) because my feet had ran to fast for my body to keep up. I arrived at Alex's, somehow thinking that I was gonna be the last one to show up and then when I got there I found out that I was actually the first one. Tom was the last one and I think that he lives the closest. Odd huh?
The Ride & The Mall
Alex was telling me that he had just found out 5 minutes before I arrived that everyone was going to meet up at his place before we jetted. When I say everyone I mean Alex, Kat, Mychal-Ann, Jill, Tom, Lauren and I went to go see Heather for the evening. So we got in designated vehicles. Jill, MA, Kat (Driver) and I (Navigator) were in the Topaz and Tom, Alex, and Lauren in the Civic. The Civic car got lost and the Topaz made it to Conestoga Mall perfectly with no trouble... all thanks to my navigational skills. Mychal-Ann was on the 30-hour Famine and when we were driving to Waterloo, the 30 hours were up and she had a candy that she ate. The whole time in the car Jill was crocheting. When we arrived and stepped out of the car, Jill was like "Guys, I'm feeling a little woozy!" (oh JILLIAN!). Once all of us got to the mall... we shopped/browsed/window-shopped whatever you want to call it, but we did it! Conestoga is quite nice... bigger than I actually imagined. I got a Crunchy Chocolate Chip Ice cream single scoop in a regular cone from Laura Secord... Mmmm food! After that we went to Gap and Boathouse and other places. Jillian bought some Captain Crunch cereal and was nice enough to share it with us all... I only had one Cap'n Crunch.
NCAA @ The Keg
At about 6 we left the mall and went to the Keg for dinner. I never realized how awesome the Keg was until that night. We had to wait for about an hour because it was so packed. While we were waiting Jill, Mychal-Ann, Lauren and I all had some samples that a waitress had brought out... I was like sweet deal! After that, Lauren and I went to watch the end of the LSU vs. Texas NCAA game. They ended the last quarter at a tie and then overtime began. We ended up seeing the Tom and Alex watching the game, so we chilled with them. I'll fast forward, as many minutes as it took for the game to go from 5 minutes in overtime to 4 seconds left in the game. We got our table and sat down.... so 4 seconds left and LSU is up. A shot thrown at the basket and guess what happens? One of the bartenders changed the channel to the hockey game. I was quite ticked because that was an intense 4 seconds. I knew LSU would win because they were up about 10 points (pretty much LSU was up enough that Texas could not catch up and surpass the score in 4 seconds). So we left the bar and sat back at our table to continue our supper.
Supper... Mmmm!
We all ordered great meals. I ordered the Baseball sirloin steak - it's description was "so thick that it can only be cooked to medium rare!" After reading that I knew I had to order it for supper. We were given are meals, we toasted and chowed down. Kat took one bite of her prime ribs and said aloud something along the lines about the food was so good and she can go to heaven now. We all claimed that line to be the line of the evening. The food was exquisite and I was well pleased. We talked about a whole bunch of stuff. Like travelling, our summer, and other things. The conversation was good and so was the food! I have never felt so good after eating... Mmmm!
Surprise Dessert... Gelatos!
I was craving Gelatos all day long, even before I had the ice cream and to my surprise Heather wanted to show us this little Gelato joint for our dessert. It was fantabulous. I got the Tiramisu Gelato... and by George it was great! Everything was perfect. When we were in this joint, Alex and I ended up finding out that we both stayed in the exact same room when we were in Japan. He just went to Japan with OMF last summer, when I was working at OMF. And I went to Japan with OMF 3 summers ago. It was crazy to find out how some things like that work and it was fun to reminisce about our trips. After the Gelato, we were making our way to the vehicles when Alex was like... let's freewalk. So Tom and him were free walking over random thing on the street. The best was I would be taking a photo of Alex and after the shot was taken, the camera was getting ready to take another photo, but Tom kept doing his freewalking jumps too soon so I hardly got any photos of him doing it. The few that I got though are sweeeeet! After they stopped traffic with their moves, we made our way to Heather's home.
Heather's Home
We arrived at Heather's place and walked in. I didn't know she had a dog and that was exciting to be able to pet a dog... I love Dogs! We met her parents and met her siblings and then we head to the basement. I didn't expect the basement to be so awesome! She had an air hockey table and a foozball table. I was so happy! Alex and I played air hockey and man I lost. It sucked, but I guess I can no longer be called the reigning champ at that game. Alex also killed my fingers... friggers they hurt badly! I'll make that my excuse for not winning *rolls eyes*. After that I played some fooz with three of the females of our group and MA and I won twice. We are one amazing team Mychal-Ann!!! After we won, Kat was like I'm gonna fight you now. I said "Okay, I'm serious though. I'll fight you back." So we did. We were sparring and it brought back memories of Karate for her and Judo for me. I miss it so much! I think I won.. and Alex thinks I won too and I'm pretty sure everone thinks I won because I am AMAZING! No ego here at all... haha! After Kat and I were glistening from the sparring, we went into the hot tub and met up with Tom, Alex, and Heather.
The Hot Tub
Two seconds after Kat and I got in the hot tub, Lauren came in the chill with the cool people, while Jill and MA were playing card games inside. The temperature was just right and the fresh air was so nice. There was steaming rising from the water and once we got out of the water... we were steaming! I think it's because we all are so hot... right peeps??? I think so! So we chilled and talked about who knows what... just complete randomness. I remember talking about only two things though for a very short period of time... bellybuttons and bubbles... hahahahaha! Good times! After our fingers began to get really shrivelled, one by one we decided to go back into the house. As well for the fact that it was getting kind of late, but it didn't matter to us at all!
Chilling in the Basement
After we all got changed into dry clothes, we were just hanging around in the den with the T.V. as somewhat of a background noise. We all chatted for a long time and by long I mean, kat fell asleep for a while. Tom started mumbling about something, and Lauren was rubbing her eyes constantly. It was getting late and Tom and Alex had to get up in a few hours after to go for the worship practice at church the next morning or, at that time, later on that day. We said our "goodbye"s, our "tata"s, our "farewell"s, our "see ya soon"s, our "later"s, our "that was fun"s, our "we should do this again"s, and our "goodnight"s!!!!
In the Car With Kat
We just sat in the car for way too long at my driveway and just chatted it up for hours... so late that her cellphone alarm was going off! And then we decided that the conversation would end. So I left the car and went to bed and Kat left to go home!
The End
It was great. I'm sure we will all look upon this day and have some really memories about our time in Waterloo. I can't believe it was so great. My closing line for this weekend is the following:
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I don't know
Man I just have so much to think about and don't feel like the energy to type it all out. I'm at that crossroads moment where I don't know. It's like the signs have been swapped, but I feel as if I know that they are, but am not 100% sure. If that analogy makes any sense, then good! Tonight was the last CCC meeting of the year and I just feel like I could have done more to get to know people to have become a member and not an attender. I don't know. This is so hard. I'm not even graduating and still I feel like wow... it's time for my life to move on. In a way I'm right because some people are and that means I have to deal with change and move on from where I am. I was reading last night from that "change is inevitable. EPIC change is optional!"
That's what I want. I don't want something that is garunteed to happen with everyone else. I want something big to happen... and I wanna be apart of it in any way possible. Just as long as I know I helped I would be good. I don't know if that's losing my concentration on God and more on my own desires, but if I wanted change that would be pleasing to God... wouldn't he be happy and proud? I don't know, but yeh.. that's all I got... I really need to find someone here who I can just have those one on ones with and get their thoughts on the things I've been thinking about. because God's Plan A is People! So yeh.... goodnight and goodluck as well..
...l8s, latex, and all that love stuff
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The Weekend I Have a Car in Guelph!
This weekend has been one of my second most memorable weekends of my stay here in Guelph. The first one was last weekend at College Royal, which if you haven't read you can underneath this blog! Anyways, this weekend... to begin it all started on Tuesday or so, when my parents called to tell me that they were going to Detroit for the weekend and wanted to know if I wanted to go with them. Obviously, I didn't want to, as well as the fact that I had College Royal stuff to do. So being the person I am, I asked if I could have the car for the weekend. I have asked this question many times before, but never has the reply been okay. It wasn't an instantaneous response, but one that took time to come around to, which worked out great for me.
Thursday was a downtime day for me. I was analyzing why I wasn't as outgoing as I used to be and then all of a sudden everything started clicking and making sense in my head. I always thought about why, but never actually took the time to think it through and realize where things really changed for me. So I told myself that I'm not going to let my slight inferiority complex get the best of me and to tell myself that I am valuable and not worthless and that I don't have to be quiet all the time. I can have my own opinions and my own thoughts and still be really good friends with people. As well, I learned that I had nothing to be afraid of with the people that I like to hang out with because they are great people and great children of God, that I know I can be who I am. So I got up Friday and was exhilarated. I had forgotten about what I wrote late at night and I started off the day with a huge smile on my face. From there my hyper activity started.
The estimated date and time for my car's arrival was Friday, March 17, 2006 between the hours of 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm. It was shocking to me because my parents actually pulled through on that. If you know my parents you would know that they are v

After we all had dinner and I took pictures of people at our table... and the green beer, I shoved 9 people in my car... well actually 9 people shoved in my car, I did not do the shoving. We all drove to Nicole's house, oddly enough a lot of us didn't really know who she was, but that was okay. As soon as we got there, Tom, Jill, and I left to go get

By the time we got back everyone was playing a drawing game and talking about who knows what. So we all just ended up talking. Jill was randomly telling Graydon that if you lie on your back on the floor and put your legs on the wall and stretch them and just lie there it will help relax your back and release tension from it. Then some girls did this crazy trick where they couldn't lift a guy up, but after some hand over hand action over the top of the guy's head they were able to lift him up. It was quite crazy. I drove people home after we left and then Kat and I went on a drive. I just haven't been on a drive for a while. No place to go, no specific direction, just music playing and a good one on one with someone. So for about 2-3 hrs we went driving. Talked about just

I felt as if Saturday was going to be a long day of things to do, but it really wasn't. I started out getting up at 8 in the morning to do some studying and reading. At around 10ish I took my shower and got ready to play Hockey with the guys. This was my first time playing hockey in years and by years I do mean years like junior high was probably the last time I have played hockey, so I was a little nervous because I knew that a lot of these guys were really intense about hockey and didn't know if I would have been able to get up to their level. As well, I didn't know if they were really serious hockey players. For example, if I screwed up a pass would they get frustrated with me? And stuff like that.
I think I did pretty well. I didn't do much at first, but as soon as I kind of felt a little comfortable I actually did some stuff. I got one goal, which just trickled in by sheer luck. I was constantly covering Graydon and trying to get the ball from him, which was fun because it was a physical challenge for me. Graydon is a kicker for the Guelph Gryphons football team... or maybe he isn't anymore I don't know, but nevertheless. He is, was, and always will be a football player which means that he's pretty built... so if you could only imagine me trying to attack him... it was hard and fun! I know he got frustrated with me, but he kept on saying good job after I'd take the ball away from him and pass to or attempt to pass it to a team-mate. It was a great game, but my team lost by won goal, which was alright we still did well.
I got back home and Mikey and I went to the grocery store because he had to pick some stuff up for this party he was going to. After that I came home and chilled.... my afternoon was actually quite boring and I was getting really sick of just sitting around doing nothing. Around 6 or 7, I drove Bryan, Mike and Mike's girlfriend, Annelies (who arrived for the weekend after we got back from groceries), to Campus. I came back home and was like "umm.... what's there to do?" So I talked to my friend Vanessa and said I was going to her place. We chilled and then Kat called me telling me that Alex wasn't feeling to well, so we weren't going to go to e-bar. I was really pumped about it, but I guess whatever happens, happens.
Then three minutes later, Lauren gives me a call and we ended up talking for a while and I ended up picking her up at her house and we went on this drive to Maryhill, ON. It's this small, small, small, tiny town that's main intersection is an all-way stop. Lauren showed me a few places on our way to the twon, like her schools. I saw her workplace and yeh. I showed her my place I'm staying at now and where I will be moving to in the summer. Her and I had a pretty fun night, well at least I did. Lauren you made that evening great... I loved the park and we have to go steal a sign. Oh right yeh... we went driving around many places and we were trying to find a sign that we could steal, but Lauren was too chicken to do and I couldn't have because i was the getaway driver, so yeh... good times! Drove her home and I went home as well and slept!
The next day I picked Lauren up from her church and brought her to Priory Park. She said that she and Kat were going to the gym, so yeh. After church, I went home and then went to the library. It was great, very productive I must say. Came home and went to bed. Monday was school and as usual I missed my first class, Genetics. I took my car and Mikey came with me. We parked it and I went to class I drove home and then went back to school for my last chemistry lab. I was done so early I was so happy! I drove home, packed and drove back to Brampton because my weekend with the car was finished.
When I got to Brampton, Dad took me to get running shoes and now I have a sweet pair of shoes that I find it hard to wear because they are so white and I don't like white shoes that much. Anyways, on the ride back home/Guelph. Mom, dad and I had a good chat about school, jobs, and vet school. I told them that I was still going for Vet school and that was my goal to be achieved, but lately I haven't really felt that. It's as if God is telling me that it's not what He wants for me, but I'm just going with the flow right now. I want to finish this semester off in good standings and then get through the summer. I'm taking 4 Arts courses during the summer. They are 4 different types of arts courses (theatre studies, music, history, and english). I did that just because I want to see if I can excel at any of those better than the sciences. It is going to be great!
Today was a great day as well, but that I'll save for another time because this is getting too long! Okay l8s, latex, and all that love stuff!
Monday, March 13, 2006
College Royal Was The Answer & The Pool Table!

A bunch of my friends and I went to Rude Native before heading to College Royal. It was amazing. I personally think it is nicer than the one in

After dinner at Rude Native, we all headed off to campus for our night at College Royal. I must say now that it was a "Fantabulous" (Byron's Wordage) night. We got there 30 minutes after the doors opened and it was dea

So continuing on... we went downstairs and got in. Within like two minutes though, Alex, Ryan and I decided to go put our jackets up stairs as well, because it was getting really hot and there was hardly anyone there on the dancefloor. So we went up once and the door was locked, so we came back down. They got Meredith to come upstairs and open the Club's Office with the old card sliding technique to unlock the office. Once in, we put our stuff on the couches and then left for more dancing fun. A live band came and played some covers of songs, I knew the words to some of them which was exciting because recently have started to love country music. Anyways, so after that was done we left and went upstairs to Jazz Lounge.
In the Jazz Lounge we all saw Byron. It's been a long time since I've seen that guy or even talked to him for that matter. So yeh it was nice to catch up. His girlfriend, Kara, was there and it was nice talking to her again... she's a funny lady she is. I don't have a picture of them, but here is a photo of Heather and Lauren, with my on the side talking to them and Alex and his water in behind Heather and Lauren. The jazz lounge was a little bit more Bluesy Jazz than my kind of jazz and the lady was playing an electric clarinet, which I did not like and neither did Jill. The lady's voice was really good though. We left the Jazz Lounge.
After that we went to the Swing Room, which wasn't as great as I was hoping for it. Jill and Meredith are great swing dancers. I tried to remember those swing steps that my sister taught me from way back, when the Swing Kids VHS was still around, but I couldn't compare to the skills of the Brown sisters. Applause to you, Jill and Mere. I was having a great night so far and just having a blast meeting friends and just getting to know everyone else even more so. So Lauren and I were sick of Swing and so we left with Mychal-Ann to go see Alex, Turnbull (real name Andrew), Kat and Heather in the keg (Brass Taps). We got in
and Alex was waiting at the door. He saw from the dancefloor. They were in the middle of it and we just started crunkin'... well not really crunkin', but dancin' never the less... I just like that word CRUNK. We stayed there for the rest of the night and just had a blast. When we were all tired of the dancing, we left and met up with everyone on the main floor of the UC. We grabbed all of our stuff from the office and then we all decided to head over to Alex's place for some after party fun.
We went to Wendy's/McDonald's to get food and then met up at his place. Around 2 a bunch of people left, but Mere, Jill, Lauren, Mychal-Ann, Heather, Kat and I stayed back and just chilled for a little while longer. The photo is of me, Kat and Alex being psychotically tired from the day. Alex I think was describing about the pool table that him and Tom brought to Guelph, earlier that day, but I am too tired to remember. Or maybe he was playing the dru
ms and I was head banging like I'm the whitest guy I know.... Oh kat so jokes. We left Alex's house and I went to bed.
The fact that all of us were shocked about was that we were going to see each one of us again in like 6 hours at church, which we all made it to, except Mychal-Ann... lol! After church though I was going to go home and study, but I missed the 3 buses at the same time. So I walked back to the church and met up with the peeps again. We headed to Tom's place to see the pool table. The apparent 15 minute set-up as Alex put it. Got to Tom's around 1:20 pm ish.... and started setting it up. By the time we finished the set up of it and played a game (Tom and I beat Alex and Kat... it was all Tom though!!) it was 4:00 or so.
I had to rush and catch the bus so I didn't miss it again, which I caught just in the knick of time. I got downtown and this homeless man wanted some change. Luckily I had some and didn't spend it on a coffee at Timmies. I took him to Timmies and bought him a large double double coffee and then gave him the extra change. I really felt good about it after and felt like there was a reason as to why I things happened as they did during the day. The crazy thing is that the night before on my way to Rude Native. The same man had stopped me and asked for money and I said I had none, but I did have a dollar. I felt really bad about it and it crushed my spirits for the moment and almost forgot about it until I saw that man again. I wasn't going to let another opportunity pass me by again. So I took it. It felt great and it got me pumped for the rest of my evening.
So that was my story about College Royal and how one thing led to the next, but in the end the first incident that occurred came again in the end so that I could have another chance to make the right choice. A great weekend and I want another one almost like it soon. Maybe that will be our CCC formal night... good times for sure I can feel it. OKay goodnight.
L8s, latex, and all that love stuff... Coconut
Friday, March 10, 2006
CR? or not CR? that is my question!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Flu and My After Thoughts
Yesterday morning was pretty brutal. I wanted to die. I got up 9:30 to get ready for a trip to the doctor's office. I had to do walk-in because "all appointments [were] booked until next Thursday" as the receptionist told me. It was so difficult to get up that early, my body was not willing to move at all, but I had to get up and go because I needed the doctor's note to give to my Chem TA because I missed that lab. After trying to get ready for 1.5 hrs... I finally reached the office at 11:30 am and got myself for the long wait ahead of me. Sitting in the waiting room was like torture for me... the only thing I could look at was the movie "Serendipity" and there were 15 people who were as sick as me waiting and waiting. I started to have this massive fever again and was gone. Two of the nurses asked me if I was okay, I said "yeh." After that movie ended, they decided two play "Pirates of the Carribean" to cheer the place up because we all looked "dead and gloomy" as the second nurse that checked on me said. so I watched pretty much that whole movie and then finally got called in... a wonderful 3.5 hr wait for the note that took 5 seconds to write. I was like "why... why me??? I just want to lay in bed and sleep". At 3:30 pm I got home and just went to bed... I was so happy to be lying down and just so exhausted. Spending practically my main portion of my day inside the office where there are no windows is so hard to deal with.
Today was a little bit more forgiving. I got up and felt great. Didn't go to school because my doctor told me I was excused from school until Friday and should try not to go to classes or labs... so I listened :D yey for me! An excuse to go to school where I can learn the exact same thing reading it from a book that I paid over $100 for. So anyways, I stayed at home and relaxed. About 2 pm I started feeling it again, but i have yet to fall asleep. I don't want this sickness to become a habit i can't break like not going to school, sleeping through the day and then staying up all night. I can't do that anymore... it killed me last time I did that. Now it's almost time for my bedtime... so yeh. Tomorrow is my last day off, but it's a day full of studying because I have to write an online quiz for chem tomorrow which won't be fun! and plus I have band practice for CCC which I am excited for. My first time singing at University in front of a crowd of people... well actually my second, but I just try not to remember the first time.
Things I've learned through this Flu week... I hated Serendipity before and I fully destest and despise it now so nothing much has changed in that point. I love sleep. I find classes pointless to go to if they just take everything from a book and I find buying their textbooks pointless if they decide not to take anything from it (and by anything I mean more than 10 pages out of it) because then I'll just photocopy it all.
goodnight and good luck!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
My Song Of The Week
Free - Hillsong
Would you believe me if i said
That we are the ones who can make the change
In the world today
Would you believe me if i said
That all of the dreams in your heart can come true...
Would you believe me if i said
That life could be all that you want it to be... today...
And if i had wings i would fly
'Cause all that I need You are
And if the world caved in around me
To You i'd still hold on
'Cause Your all that i believe
And the one that created me
Jesus.... because of You i'm Free
Would you belive me if i said
That God can make miracles happen today
Would you believe me if i said
That you don't need to wait for the answer before
You step out in faith
Would you believe me if i said
That nothin is ever impossible.. for God
Just live your life with God inside
You won't regret one moment of it
And give all that you can for God.
For God
L8s, Latex and all the good stuff :p